Saturday, August 16, 2008

Flash Gordon Sucks!

Well just got through doing more work on gathering sound clips for Trivia and wrapped up my night with the Movie Flash Gordon. This has to be one of the worst movies of all time! first of all not a single good sound clip, which shouldn't come as a surprise since the acting was let's say a little below bad! The plot was amazing, scientist kidnaps a football player who plays for the New York Jets, takes him to some far off planet to try and save the earth! There were only two good things about the movie, the first was when Queen broke in with "He'll Save everyone of Us, Stands for everyone of us!" because then you knew the movie was almost over! and you can't use the song for trivia since it says Flash about 100 times!

The second good thing about the movie was Princes Aura, she was Fine!! hot, gorgeous, sexy and um kind of Good Looking in a 1980's Sci fi sort of way!
But she still cannot beat the hottest Sci-Fi Woman on the the planet From the Great TV show Buck Rogers.... Lt. Wilma (who cares what her last name is, no guy ever ask what a girl's last name is!) she had that gorgeous smile, Great hair...and the hottest form fitting outfit of all Time! the only thing you have to worry about is her taste in men.... she dated a guy who hung out with a mini robot....that had two different voices his and the thing that talked in the circle of the robot and Buck's best friend was like that dude that was like part human part Eagle. In Fact I think next week all female trivia players should honor actress Constance Moore and wear a similar outfit to Trivia! it could be worth bonus points!!!!!!

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